Our aim is to give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is going on in your organisation and what decisions are needed to successfully deliver the outcomes you need
Our Solution - Background
Connect was conceived by a team of highly experienced, senior transformation and turnaround professionals who all focus on cutting through complexity to deliver success.
We had developed a uniquely powerful way of describing how organisations (including strategy, change and operations) fit together and were using this to design new organisations, transform existing ones or turn around challenging programmes.
We realised that the plethora of disparate tools used to manage different aspects of an organisation (e.g. strategy tools, portfolio management tools, GRC tools etc) creates information silos and unnecessary complexity which prevent executives and managers from being able to see clear views of what is going on in their organisation.
We were also frustrated by the inflexibility of these tools and the high costs charged by vendors to customise them to do things that we thought should be standard user functionality.
Our biggest frustration was that even if you aggregated all the tools available to us, there was no solution to working with and through the complexity that is associated with a typical modern organisation of any significant size.
We also recognised that adding data warehouses or BI systems on top of existing applications is not the right answer. The potential for Artificial Intelligence to be used to enhance business performance would always be severely limited by the “siloing” of key information in traditional management tools.
We decided that there is a need for a single management tool that allows users to make and manage connections between the various elements of their organisation.
The result was Connect.
We also realised that we could significantly advance what Advisory Services can offer their clients by combining highly experienced people with the capabilities of Connect.
Hence we also set about creating an Advisory Service in Quidita with a service model that utilises hundreds of highly experienced associates who understand what delivering transformation and change means, because they have delivered it at scale in the past, but who also understand what a “game changer” Connect is in accelerating the outcomes that organisations seek.
Our Solution - Overview
We started by throwing away the “rule book” on how business applications should be built, how they should be used and the associated “value exchange” – what you get out versus what you put in.
We also threw away the “rule book” on how applications support business and IT change (project, programme and portfolio management, agile vs waterfall etc).
The result is a truly ground-breaking, powerful and highly flexible business diagnostics and transformation engine that we call Connect.
Connect allows you to stay on top of any one or multiple aspects of your business (business as usual and/or change), helping to ensure that your organisation delivers its intended outcomes.
While Connect gives you actionable insights the likes of which no other application that we are aware of provides, we believe that there is significant additional value generated when highly experienced advisors take you through the early stages of using Connect and show how to fully exploit it to identify the less obvious decisions that your organisation needs to make.
Hence our solution to your challenges is to provide you with Connect and underpin this with the option to be supported by highly experienced individuals who understand your challenges and will show you how to exploit Connect to help ensure that the outcomes your organisation seeks will be delivered. The picture below shows the high level scope of our solution.
Our Technology - Connect Overview
Connect is a powerful business diagnostics and transformation engine that gives visibility to “Strategy-to-Execution”, providing deep insights into all the activities across an organisation that are intended to deliver a desired outcome – anything from delivering a entire strategy through to an individual project or a set of tasks.
Powerful real-time visualisation of objectives, key results, all the associated plans, dependencies, risks, governance, etc, and how they are all interrelated keeps you focused on what matters.
A unique user interface provides outstanding high-level views with the ability to continually drill down to the lowest level of detail, allowing you, for example, to not only see the status of all relevant dependencies within the organization but also the impact of external dependencies such as suppliers or agents.
Comprehensive performance management functionality is provided, covering governance, risks, issues, decisions, actions, tasks, plans and more, to ensure successful delivery.
The truly unique result is a complete, connected picture of the “state” of any required outcome and a clear indication of where decisions are required to deliver that outcome.
Follow the link to find out more about Connect.
Our Services - Advisory Overview
Quidita offers Advisory Services at different levels of maturity in the implementation of Connect, as depicted above, to support an organisation in, at one end, simply adopting the technology, through to transforming the organisation at the other end, should it require such support.
As Connect can be used as the catalyst and enabler of great and valuable change in an organisation, our Advisory Service is there to support organisations in any required area with highly experienced individuals.
At Level 1 an organisation determines what of its scope of activities it wants to capture in Connect, and for what purpose. This can be as focused as improving risk or dependency management in a given area, or as broad a understanding everything that is contributing to the delivery of a strategy and its status.
At this level the organisation determines the sources of data that it is going to use and what if any data is to be manually entered and maintained on Connect and then captures this information, creating a live, current state picture. Connect automatically builds and grows the picture of the current state as more information is supplied.
The output generated by Connect is not static, it’s live and evolves as the organisation evolves, in real-time, with Connect capturing changes as they occur.
At Level 2 Connect is used to give an organisation a better understanding of how its current state is performing. While at this stage “information silos” will still be prevalent, Connect’s functionality gives the opportunity to improve and enhance established areas that may be underperforming such as risk management, dependency management, project and programme management.
At this level, Connect’s functionality provides opportunities to introduce new capabilities into the organisation. Examples include:
- Utilising its Objectives and Key Results (OKR) functionality to map the entire organisations objectives and expected results from a strategic goal or goals through to the departments and/or individuals who are responsible for delivery, and tracking progress
- Allowing external organisations (suppliers, advisors, partners, customers) to have controlled access to relevant bits of Connect, such as SLAs, KPIs, status reports and Issues, creating a more dynamic, responsive and closer bond
- Driving new levels of collaboration and organisational learning using Connect’s Information Sharing functionality.
At Level 3 the game changing capability of Connect starts to apply when information across the organisation is connected without restriction (other than information that has been marked as restricted access). Information silos start to get broken down and new and potentially transformative actionable insights are generated. The organisation gets to see more and have a better understanding of organisation wide issues and risks that can compromise key objectives like the delivery of a transformation programme and be able to take timely corrective action.
At this level, Connect is supporting the foundations of Business 4.0 and provides a base for a new, more dynamic, data driven operating model, should the organisation wish to go down that path.
At Level 4 Connect is an integral and central part of an organisations capabilities, generating live visualisation and reports on all the things that matter to an organisation, powering data driven decisions and providing actionable insights to ensure key outcomes are delivered, and driving a high performing, collaborative and agile culture.
With the introduction of AI coupled with Connect, an organisation can shift from being reactive and responsive to being predictive but with a deeper understanding of the basis of any prediction.
Find out more about the breadth and depth of our Advisory Services and the various ways in which we can support you.